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Selected Publications


Poets&Writers: Picking What to Submit, May/June (Special Section)

"I Wanted My Child To Be A Child," Gifted-ish, edited by Kaitlin Ugolik Phillips, McFarland 




SmokeLong Quarterly: Flash In The Classroom: Where's the Heat? July

Cognoscenti: I Loved Sinéad For Her Wild Courage and Rage, August




Atticus Review: Piranha Tank, Spring

Poets&Writers: The Perfectly Balanced Writers Group, Mar/Apr (Special Section)

WIRED: I Gave My Child A Smartphone and It's Been the Best Thing For Her, Feb




NBC THINK: Adoption Doesn't Mean Abortion Isn't Needed, Even if Some Supreme Court Justices Think So, Dec

Severance Magazine: I Didn't Understand My Hair. Then I Met My Birth Parents, Dec

The Independent: My Birth Certificate Was Legally Changed. At 48, I Saw The Real Version For the First Time, Nov

The New York Times:Tiny Love Stories: Of Wings and Wind, (2nd down), Nov

Brevity Blog: Getting to the Truer Version of the Story, Nov

In These Times: School's Open. But What About the Year That I, And Other Disabled Students, Lost?  (with Freyja Christian), Sept

Hippocampus Magazine: TFW A Keynote Speaker, A HippoCamp 2021 Recap, Sept

Hippocampus Magazine:Surviving the Slush Pile Or, Two Ways To Look At Life, A HippoCamp 2021 Recap, Sept

Brevity Blog: Writing Groups: How? Why? Sept

Entropy: The Story My Body Already Knew, Aug    

Cognoscenti: COVID Helped Me Show My Parents I Love Them, Aug

Cognoscenti: Swimmer Becca Meyers' Ordeal Shows Even The Paralympics Doesn't Listen To Disabled People, Aug

Brevity Blog:How Writers Learn and Grow, June

Cognoscenti:My Disabled Daughter Showed Me That None of Us Are IndependentApril

Cognoscenti:What Norton Juster's 'The Phantom Tollbooth' Taught Me About This Life, March

Brevity Blog:Writing A Memoir Can Be Dangerous Work. Protect Yourself! Feb

Hippocampus Magazine:I Found My Writing Self On Zoom, Jan




Uncomfortable Revolution:Why I Stopped Calling Myself A Special Needs Parent, December 

PopSugar Family: How to Make Your Child's Hospital Stay Easier, From a Parent Who's Been There, December

Pidgeonholes: Wait For It To Be Over, November 

Romper: Dear Joe Biden, I'm A Disabled Kid & There Are Some Things You Should Know, (with Freyja Christian and Thora Christian), November 

The Washington Post: My Disabled Daughter Isn't Your Inspiration Porn, January 

The Washington Post: No, I'm Not An Amazing Mom Just Because My Child Has Special Needs, January 


2019 and earlier


Instead of 'Mothering' And 'Fathering,' Let's Start To See All Of The Work As 'Parenting' The Washington Post, 7/19

My Pediatrician's Oversight Taught Me to Trust My Instincts as a Mom, PopSugar Family, 7/19

What Self-Care Looks Like For The Sandwich Generation (And It's Not What You Think) The Washington Post, 5/19

What My Daughter's Make-A-Wish Trip Taught Me About Parenting, And Myself  The Washington Post, 4/19

A Special Needs Parent Against My Will, Learning My Own Adaptive Lesson

The New York Times, 5/15

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